Vaarshieka’s captivating origin unfolds in the vibrant city of Chennai, Chrompet where my journey of rediscovering Medicinal astrology began within the walls of Guru Sri Dayalan’s residence. The year was 1995, and at the tender age of 15, I crossed paths with my destined mentor.
Guru Sri Dayalan was not just an ordinary individual; he was a maestro in both Medicinal Astrology and a Vaasi Yogi. His reputation as a Reiki healer and an oracle of ancient wisdom had spread far and wide. Locals sought his counsel for a myriad of ailments, physical and spiritual alike.
My Guru, With his in-depth wisdom has prepared powerful Herbal Oils that has cured people with PCOS, knee, Leg, Joint and Back Pain. With his medicinal concoctions he has healed Varicose veins. He was adept in treating infertility issues. I have also witnessed a major increase in the sperm counts of patients.
I spent my teenage and adulthood helping my guru in preparing these medicines and imbibing all the knowledge. I still remember going to his place after my school to serve him. I used to look in awe at how he handles the herbs and turns them into medicines that actually cure. My Guru trained me well in preparing the medicines and the dosages for every ailment.